Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thing 4: Flickr

I just bought my digital camera this year, and most of my pictures are of family, so I have been perusing the Flickr photos with tags of spring and Midwest. I took pictures of 23 things participants at MEMO mid-winter, created a set,made them public,and tagged them as 23thingsonastick so everyone can see them.The upload process is easy, and it always astounds me how many people are sharing their photos on Flickr. I tried doing a Flickr badge using pictures of spring in the midwest, but after three attempts, I gave up on that. WHATEVER!


Megan said...


I created a badge, but I didn't use the Flickr tab- I just uploaded from my computer. It's much easier! I can show you how if you want.


PatriciaP said...

That would be great....thanks!

Picture Trail Flick